Tuesday, May 24, 2005

What Can It Be?

That gays are called of God too, and that marriage is not of physical union nor of gender, but of the union of souls.
  • But are you not called as you are now? And is not marriage merely a shadow of the the true marriage which is between Christ and his church? What need then of another, and what need then of two becoming one?
That Eros, the love of your own, is something ordained by God, literally made in and for heaven, and we can wait for God to reveal the other to each other in his time.
  • But are we all not already one in and for each other, having been born of the same spirit, and thus joined, to build up the church.
That I need him, and that we are to enable each other for the tasks ordained for us in God.
  • But, even so, can it not be anyone else? Why him? And what is this task ordained? What reasons can justify believing that there is such a task? It could merely be rationalisation for, what then will be, an ungodly pursuit?
That God have stirred and upended my soul within me that I cannot do anything but cry out and yearn for him to become one, even as Jonathan became knitted to David as one soul.
  • But he does not similarly yearn so, for wasn't Jonathan and David matched mutually and simultaneously?


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